All About Amy Lou

December 3, 2014

Amy Lou

Biological Sciences Advisor

  1. Hometown: Union City, CA
  2. Alma Maters: UCLA & USC
  3. Majors: B.A. in Psychology & Master of Education in Educational Counseling
  4. How long you have been working at UCM?
    6 months & I am loving every minute of it!
  5. What is your favorite thing about Merced?
    I love how everyone at UCM and in Merced is welcoming and friendly!
  6. What is the most important life lesson you learned in college?
    The most important lesson I learned in college is that everything won’t always go according to plan and that’s ok. I started college with plans to go to medical school and when I realized it wasn’t a good fit for me, it felt like the end of the world. Looking back now, I’m glad that everything happened the way it did. Without facing those obstacles in college, I wouldn’t have tried different things and discovered what I’m truly passionate about. Take advantage of opportunities to grow personally and professionally and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
  7. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?
    I would paint the view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  8. What’s the next thing you’re going to learn about?
    There are still so many things I want to learn. For now, I think I’m going to learn how to cook different types of food.
  9. What’s your favorite tv show?
    Parks and Recreation

There you have it- 9 fascinating facts you never knew about Amy! Now that you know a little more about her, come visit us and let us learn more about you and how we can help you be successful at UCM! Stay tuned for the next advisor fun facts! 

NS Advising